Friday, March 2, 2012

Cango Caves

The next morning we woke up early and had breakfast. They had the usual breakfast foods and cooked me eggs with cheese. They found it odd, as well as Tracey, that I like cheese in my scrambled eggs. I told them they didn't know what they were missing. I think I've eaten scrambled eggs just about every morning I've been in SA. I cook them during the weekdays before school. We got to meet Tracey's husbands boss, who is from Kentucky. He does lots of paragliding while he's in SA. He has a three year contract managing some type of business. She told him I liked cheese in my eggs and he said he did too:-) She said were crazy Americans.

Before leaving Knysna we drove to the heads on land walked out to the edge of them. The same heads we saw on the ferry tour the day before. It was beautiful. We took some pictures and enjoyed the scenery.


We headed out of Knysna making a quick stop at Wilderness Bay. Another beautiful view that my words and pictures don't do justice. The was actually a train tour you could take overlooking the ocean around the mountains, but a few years ago the railroad tracks flooded so they don't do the tours anymore.


As we drove on we ended up in the Outeniekwa mountains. Its amazing how quick the scenery changed and the temperature. Its a lot warmer and dryer in this area. Not like a desert with sand, but like flat plains. This area is known for ostrich farms. We checked into another B&B called the Foster's Manor, a pretty Victoria style home. It was owned by Mr. Foster, an ostrich farmer. He got into some money troubles and faked his death so he wouldn't have to pay the bank his debt. There was a whole funeral service and everything. He lived in his basement until his death years later. His wife still lived in the house along with his mistress. 

After we checked into Fosters, Tracey took us to the Cango Caves. We took a tour through four different chambers looking at the different formations of the stalactites and stalagmites. One of the chambers had a stage where people would perform concerts. The stopped allowing this because people would break the ends of the formations off to take home with them. This is unfortunate because it damaged a lot of the cave. We were going to do the adventure tour, where you crawl through and climb different parts, but that tour wasn't running by the time we got there. I'm kind of glad it wasn't because after walking through the caves it was kind of creepy:-) Holly and I met the sweetest couple from England while we were on the tour. They had been married for 48 years. They walked around holding hands and cutting up with one another just like they were dating. It was so precious. They are retired and having been living in Italy for the past seven years. They had decided to move back to England, but they wanted to travel to SA first.

For dinner we went out to a place called Bronco's steakhouse. I was tempted to order an ostrich burger, but I wasn't brave enough. Apparently the ostrich meat is really good for you because its low in fat and in cholesterol. I tried some of Holly's and it was okay, not my favorite. While we waited for our food, Tracey gave us a lesson on rugby. Her favorite team, the Sharks, were playing. I've never watched rugby before. It seems a lot rougher than American football. 

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