Saturday, March 3, 2012

Save a Horse, Ride an Ostrich

Today was our last day with Tracey. She gave Holly and I each a book that we can use in our future classrooms. She wrote us each a note inside. She such a sweet person....After having breakfast at Fosters we headed out to Safari Ostrich Farm. We took a guided tour of the farm. I learned a lot about ostrich's. A few facts:
  • Their brain is smaller than the size of their eye
  • One ostrich egg is equivalent to 24 hen eggs.
  • The shell of the eggs is very thick. (So thick I got to stand on the eggs)
  • Male ostrich does a dance for the female when he wants to mate.
  • Ostrich's can run up to 40 mph
The best part of the tour was that I not only got to sit on an ostrich, but I also got to ride one! It was so so fun! I laughed the entire time. I have it on video. I'll have to show everyone when I get home. 


After the ostrich farm, Tracey took us to lunch for our last day together. Then she dropped us off at the Baz-Bus. Baz-Bus is a bus service that goes to all the backpackers places dropping off and picking up backpackers along the way. It was a long ride, but we made it to Cape Town later that night. The driver dropped us off at Afrique du Sud, one street up from the ocean. A great location, but definitely not one of the nicest places we have stayed. It was bearable, but I wouldn't stay there again. Everything was really worn out and not very clean. People live in worse so Holly and I stuck it out. Staying there also remind me how I could never live in the city. There were some apartments across the road from us. We could see right into these peoples kitchens and living rooms. At one point during our first night there, probably around 5am. I woke up to a huge crash and people screaming and honking horns. A wreck happened right on the street below our room. 


Cape Town is extremely different than any of the places we have been. Its a huge city, divided into to six different parts. It was a little overwhemling arriving at night with all the lights and traffic. Its almost like downtown Atlanta with all the skyscrapers and traffic, but with skinny roads and cars parked on each side, but then had a view of Table Mountain and the ocean in the backgroud. Most places you could walk to because they have blocks and blocks of shops and restaurants, almost like downtown Athens, but a lot bigger. Our first night Holly and I walked a little ways from where we were staying to a restaurant called PRIMI. They, like most places in SA, have a little bit of everything, chicken livers, pizza, pasta, burgers, salads, steak and seafood.

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