Sunday, January 22, 2012

ADDO and the BRAAI

Today the Soper's and I went to Addo Elephant park. It was so amazing. Elephants are such interesting creatures. We saw a heard of at least 100 elephants. They were around a watering hole cooling off. 

Last night I went to a Braai (SA BBQ). It was delicious. They had lamb, steak, chicken, sausage, and bacon (grilled ham, a lot thicker than our bacon). We all sat outside on the patio and just talked and ate, such a laid back atmosphere here with no one in a rush. There is not much to do in Port Elizabeth, so the Soper's, like many other families, have dinner parties every month taking turns with their friends. Every Friday, Debbie has tea with her lady friends and Paul hangs out with some of his male friends. I think this is wonderful for them to spend this time just talking with their friends. I feel like sometimes we get so busy with life we forget to stop and enjoy the small things like this.


  1. Its a good thing daddy got you used to eating a variety of meats at an early age. I don't think there is anything that they could feed you that we haven't cooked at some point in time.

    It would be nice to be a little more laid back, wouldn't it. I am so glad that you got to go out there a little early and sight see. Be careful and have fun! I love you, sista!

  2. Hahaha Yes that is a good thing! His girls will eat just about any kind of meat. Vegetables is another story lol They like their salads here as well, but I just skip that part....Not really my thing:-) Love you!
