Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Soper's

I guess I should explain who the Soper family is, for my posts to make sense. I'm new at this blog thing so its gonna take me some time to get the hang of it :-) The Soper family is related to my parents neighbors in Georgia. They have been kind enough to let me stay with them for a while in Port Elizabeth. The family consists of Paul and Debbie and they have three children. Two of the children still live at home. Andrew is 24 and Kathleen is 19. Paul works from home as a structural engineer and Debbie is a certified teacher for elementary aged students. Debbie and I have much to talk about being as I'm studying to teach elementary ages like her. I met Kathleen when she came to the states last year.

I'll be staying with them for a week and a little while and then I will go on to Grahamstown to teach. I'm so thankful for them opening up their home to me and getting me situated in their country.


  1. Sounds like you Are having a blast! I wish you would have let me come with you! I have been talking to mama everyday and trying to teach her how to read your blogs and keep up with u! Idk if im even doing this right or not but it's worth a try! I love and miss you already!

  2. The Soper's oldest child is Karen. She is married and lives in Johannesburg.

  3. Yay! Glad you're having fun! It's good that Debbie is a teacher... then you have a close resource to help you out as far as school and whatnot! Love you!
