Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1

After a long flight I arrived here safely. It is really hot and humid, but there is a nice breeze blowing. I have caught up on my sleep and gotten settled in Port Elizabeth with the Soper family. I will stay here a few days and then go on to Grahamstown for teaching. This afternoon I was able to go with Debbie to one of the poor communities, called Missionville. She goes once a week to this community to read to the children and do actives. She is working to help increase literacy among the children. More than half of the children in this region cannot read. It was an eye-opener to see the living situations these people live in. It makes me very thankful for what I have back at home. The children were all so friendly and playful. I enjoyed playing with them and helping Debbie. I plan to go back with her next week before I go on to Grahamstown. 

I have already experienced many culture and language differences. For example:
  • The bathroom is called the loo
  • Being kissed on the forehead when meeting new people
  • Transportation: riding on the opposite side of the road and the drivers seat is opposite
  • There are traffic laws, but they are not enforced. This allows for crazy driving.
  • Woke up to an African lady cleaning the house
  • Although English is the main language spoken here, there are many differences in what things are called and how they are said. 


  1. Haha! I would love to see your face every time a complete stranger kisses you on the forehead! I guess it's a good thing you don't have your truck over there... you may come back driving like me! I'm glad you're having a great time! Miss you bunches! Kees kees!

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