Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kragga Kamma Game Park

Today Debbie took me to Kragga Kamma Game Park. Its not far from their home in PE. This is a small drive through safari ride. You pay to drive around this trail, in your own car, to see animals. It was really fun and I enjoyed seeing all the different kinds of animals. One fun fact I learned: South Africans call their deer, buck or bok, depending on the type. Besides seeing many types of "buck" I got to see: Giraffe, White Rhino, Zebra, Cheetah, Cape Buffalo, Wildebeest, Warthog, Ostrich


All these animals were so amazing to see in action. Debbie and I had a great time. At one point in our adventure we got stuck on the trail! There was a bad spot in the road and there was no way going around it. We tried to cross it, but we kept spinning tires. We ended up having to call the park and got them to come get us out. Debbie and I laughed about it because when we called and told them where we were, they knew the place exactly. It must have not been the first time they had gotten a call for that spot. Her little Ford Focus just couldn't make it through:-) So much for the guard saying no 4x4 vehicles were needed. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! You have bad luck as far as cars getting stuck... Lol. I'm super jealous that you got to see all of the animals! I'm glad you put pictures up though! Love you!
