Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First Week

School this week has been great. I'm still trying to get use to the schedule, but other than that things are great. On Tuesday the entire junior school and senior school go to the chapel for service. They sing from a hymnal and read aloud from the bible with the lady preacher. She spoke on forgiveness. Was a big change to have chapel at school because of the huge separation of church and school. One thing that really surprised me was how quiet the church was with that many students from such a wide range of ages. You could hear a pin drop they were so quiet while waiting for the service to start. 

I also got to help my teacher, Mrs. Reynolds, coach tennis for 3rd grade girls. This was a fun time watching them try to hit the ball over the net. Most of them have been taking tennis since first grade, so they were pretty good for their age. Another day this week, I got to help coach swimming for beginners. I really really liked this. There were 12 kids and we just worked on kicking and staying above water. One of the teachers will be gone on Friday, so I will have this group entirely to myself:-)

Last night Holly and I went to her teachers house for a house warming party. All the teachers from Kingswood were there. It was a great time and fun to see how even more laid back everyone was outside of school. I'm not sure if its just the Kingswood school or all South African's in general, but they are all so so friendly and willing to help anyone; just wonderful people to be around period. 

Today the kids had Music and Xhosa again. Both of these teachers came to the class to teach the students. The music teacher had them playing a recorder, the plastic flute. They were also reading and writing music.  Pretty big deal for third graders if you ask me. 


  1. The fact that you get to teach those kids by yourself to swim is awesome. I bet you will have a lot of fun. Just don't let them show you up. lol.

    Its also really awesome to see musical arts practiced so early in school. One thing I feel is wrong with our academics in America is that we don't focus enough on the arts anymore.

  2. Haha I enjoyed it! I've had some experience teaching kids at home so I was use to it. The kids I have are beginners so I'm just mainly trying to get them to stay above the water.

    The arts are definitely overlooked along with physical education. Most the schools I have been in at home get art, music and p.e. once a week. The kids here get sport at least five times a week with and music and art two or three times.
