Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Home is Where the Spiders Are

For the next few weeks I'll be staying in Dr. Baxen's garden cottage in her back yard. Its a cute tiny little place that Holly and I will share. It has two twin beds, one closet, one bathroom, and a kitchen. Its not much, but its enough for what we need. We're not here half the time anyway. My favorite part about it is the Dutch door. Since there isn't any air or heat in the houses, windows and doors are always open.

I should explain that every house, shop or building has bars on the windows and doors. The houses are usually fenced in with barbed wire around the top of the fence and sometimes with electriciy running around them as well. Theft is a large problem here so most places are locked up tightly.


Along with open windows and doors comes lots of bugs and things. There are barely any flies here, none compared to the ones that come with the chicken houses at home. So the house isn't swarming with them. This is probably due to the LARGE amount of spiders around. My first night here, Holly got to know me real well. I had just laid down for bed and I noticed a big, brown, hairy spider on the ceiling above my head. I was not happy about it...creeped me out thinking about that thing getting in the bed with me while I'm sleeping! Ewww! So that was the first of many spiders I have killed here. Holly and Sean call me the exterminator because I kill every bug I see and the ones they can't deal with:-) Along with the spiders come mosquitos. There are tons of them, I get bitten by them often, even if I was at home. Don't worry, where am I at is a malaria free area. I googled it. Dr. Baxen said that all the insect are around because her backyard has a very heathy ecosystem. 

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