Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

School today was great. I was surprised they don't go all out like we do for Valentines day. The kids don't bring cards and candy for all their friends. They do make cards for their parents and the school had mini roses for sell. So far this week I've gotten to teach two math lessons, a writing lesson and read to first graders. Today I read Brer Rabbit to the first graders. The kids talked about my accent again. I guess it really showed when reading that book.  



Some more sayings....

We say:                                        South Africans say:
motorcycle                                          motorbike
scared me                                           gave me a fright
almost                                                 nearly
back-talk                                             back-chat
tennis shoes                                         tackies
your welcome                                     pleasure
trash can                                              dust bin
receipt                                                  till slip
spicy                                                     burney
permanent marker/sharpie                    coakie
good/great/delicious/wonderful            divine
Valentines dance                                 Valentines disco

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