Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 4

This week I got to do a lot of different things at school. On Monday I got to work with one of the fourth grade classes. I taught them art because the teacher had an appointment. We talked about self portraits and then they drew one. This class was so great. They were so interested in my accent and the states. They told me everything they knew about it and place people they know visited. One boy told me his older brother went to Las Vegas and came home with a tattoo! He also said that his brother said he was never allowed to visit Vegas because it was too wild! I also go to help this class in Food Tech, which is kind of like Home Ec. where they cook. I was in charge of two groups just making sure they followed the recipe correctly and had all the ingredients. The kids do it all on their own. The teacher just puts the food in and out of the oven. They made cornflake cookies. They were really good. 

Through out the week I got to teach some mini lesson in my class in math and reading. I also had a chance to teach a computer lesson over the basics of Microsoft Word. I've used this program plenty of times, but I've never taught an organized lesson over it, so I was a little worried about it. Mrs. Reynolds said she thought it went really well, which is good. I used this big projector and all the kids were at their computers following my steps. On Thursday the school hosted a Gala swim meet for a few other schools in the area. I was in charge with timing one lane and then recording it for scoring. They gave me a Kingwood shirt, a clip board and stop watch! I felt so official:-) But really enjoyed it, was fun to watch all the kids compete. 

Also this week I subbed all day for one of the second grade teachers that was sick. It was cool having the whole class to myself and doing lessons with them. I enjoyed it. The kids behaved well. I had a few African students that I could not pronounce their names at all. Some of them were: Lipiwe, Ndeinogbe, Lisakhanya, and Kamvelihle. I tried my best, but definitely was not successful. They had one writing assignment and they kept asking me how to spell words, so I would sound them out for them. I found out real quickly that the way they sound out letters and I do are a little different. 



On Friday, we had a class outing (field trip) to Port Alfred. Both fourth grade classes went to the beach for the day. The teachers drove this mini buses/vans with all the students. It was low tide so the rocks were really exposed. They searched the rocks for all types of things they've been learning about. They were so excited. Then they had a sand castle building contest. They love to compete with one another. They had some really creative ideas for their castles. 

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