Monday, February 6, 2012

Port Alfred

This weekend the girls and I rented a car to go on a weekend adventure. We ended up with a Volkswagon Polo hatchback. I was the lucky driver because I'm the only one who can drive a stick. We drove to Port Alfred on Sunday. It took around two hours to get there, including the 30 minute delay caused by a flat tire. We were just driving along, singing to the radio, so happy because we weren't lost, and all the sudden the tire blows out. So we pull over on this narrow winding road, in the middle of no where, and attempt to start changing the tire. Thankfully the Lord sent a car to pull over and help us because if not we would still be trying to change the thing!


On the way we stopped at a pineapple farm called the Big Pineapple. The farm had a huge pineapple building out in the middle of a field. (Kinda looks like Spongebobs house)Inside you could climb up and walk through the entire process of pineapple farming and production. It was interesting to see how it worked.

We then drove on to the Port Alfred, the beach and the Indian Ocean. Not much was open because it was Sunday. Most shops aren't open at all on Sundays, close at 1 on Saturdays an 5 on the weekdays. We had lunch at a nice restaurant over looking the ocean. It was a beautiful view. I have never seen sand dunes so big. After lunch we walked along the beach just hanging out and relaxing. We loved Port Alfred so much we decided going back this Sunday, spending the whole day just tanning and playing in the water.  



  1. Gosh I'm behind on your blogs. lol. You have done so much!
    So first off this car. lol. How is driving a manual with your left hand?
    Fun car fact: That car you drove has a diesel version that gets 80 MPG!!!

    Did you get free pineapple at the farm?

    1. I've done so so much. I have a lot more coming from my road trip, so get ready lol

      The car was a little weird driving left handed. I got use to it tho. Whats bad is when I walk to the wrong side of the car thinking I'm on the drivers side lol It got pretty good gas mileage. Way better than my truck.

      You had to buy the pineapples. We got one to split. It was really good.
